Kiwanis Foundation of Montana
Extending your Kiwanis impact
The Kiwanis Foundation of Montana is a 501c3 charitable organization created to gather, invest, and manage funds for the benefit of Service Leadership Programs, Montana District Club projects, and additional efforts to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
A gift to the Kiwanis Foundation of Montana helps children in many places, in many ways. For the Kiwanis family, the Foundation is a way of reaching children through grants, scholarship programs and Kiwanis youth programs.
Mission statement:
Our mission is to raise, manage, and distribute funds for the improvement of the lives of children and families across the world.
Kiwanis Across the World
The Kiwanis Foundation of Montana contributed matching funds to Montana Kiwanis Clubs whose projects cover Montana and across the world.
Each year the Kiwanis Foundation of Montana provides scholarships to assist students in their academic efforts

Foundation Membership
Each member of the Montana District of Kiwanis is a member of the Kiwanis Foundation of Montana