Kiwanis Foundation of Montana
Key Club Scholarships
The Montana Key Club District Scholarship Program, sponsored by the Kiwanis Foundation of Montana, is designed to provide recognition and financial assistance to Key Club members who have excelled in their high school careers. It is designed for Key Club members who have achieved academic excellence, demonstrated leadership abilities, and provided service to others. Financial need is not a factor in this award.
A number of Key Club scholarships will be awarded, and instructions are included in the below application. The scholarship application can also be found at www.mtkeyclub.org.
The Montana Key Club District Administrator reviews each application to assure they meet the eligibility requirements. After evaluating all categories on the application, a scholarship committee composed of Kiwanis members rate the applications and determine the recipients. Scholarships are provided as cash awards in the form of a check sent directly to the college or university for deposit into the student’s account, one-half of the scholarship each semester normally in August and January.
Each scholarship is renewable for three additional years if the successful applicant meets the requirements specified on the renewal application, and completes and returns the application by the deadline each year.